Christie Barton


"I'm learning to color outside the lines.  The journey is fabulous!"

"Aspen Valley"

Aspen Valley is a quilt within a quilt.

The quilt is a leaf, with stems and veins and shape.

The quilt is also a watershed, the mountains ring the valley,

and the streams flow down from the mountains to form the river.



"Growth Rings"

My family is like a tree, strong, bends in the wind, and still growing.

1607 was the founding of the Jamestown Colony.

The Native Americans were already here when the settlers arrived,

and they are symbolized with a spiral in the center of the tree.

One of my ancestors fought in the American Revolution.

My sisters and I are the acorns around the tree.


Our group is an eclectic gathering of artists,

loosely organized into the Art Quilt Association (AQuA). 

We don’t have a Board of Directors; we have a Steering Committee, which we call the Steers. 

AQuA cuts loose the bonds of tradition, like the wires in the quilt, in order to range free.











"On the Edge of the Desert"

"On the Edge of the Desert"


Fibers of the Purple Sage - 2006

"Be the Motor"

"TXT"- 2006


Contact Christie