Colorado 2021
The theme for Quilt & Sewing Fest of New Jersey is “Colorado” and has been defined as follows:
Colorado is our home, a state of mind, and a lifestyle. Winter, summer, autumn or spring, the beauty of Colorado is everywhere. From our headwater rivers to fourteener mountain tops and canyon bottoms; from the eastern plains to the stark Denver skyline on a snowy day; and from sand dunes to dinosaur beds there is something to dazzle at every turn. The roads, tunnels, and bridges themselves are dizzying, and lead to engaging cultural connections whether ancient, cowboy, or urbane. The Art Quilt Association knows the Western Slope is the best, just eat a local peach to know it is true.
Delightful news to share…all the pieces that were turned in for the show “Colorado” were accepted by the juror, David Owen Hastings. Following is his juror’s statement and top five picks.
David Owen Hastings – Juror’s Statement:
For many years, my husband and I have taken periodic road trips between the Seattle area where we live, and Iowa (where I was born). Colorado has always been a happy mid-point destination on these trips, as the landscape is so varied and dramatic. I was pleased to see the variety of ways in which the AQuA members paid tribute to your beautiful state, both from a composition standpoint, but also in the way they combined fabric, stitching, painting and other techniques to realize their vision. All the submissions were beautiful and unique in their own ways and it was a joy to spend some time really appreciating each one.
Juror Mention #1: Morning Feeding 1922 – Eldrid Schafer
Juror Mention #2: Unconformity – A River Runs Through It – Mary Grande
Juror Mention #3: Colorado State Flower – Janet Schupp
Juror Mention #4: I Came for the Mountains, and Fell in Love with the Mesas – Terry Lee
Juror Mention #5: Footprints – Beverly Hart
All Quilt Photos Copyright © by AQuA 2021